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Original price was: $5.99.Current price is: $4.99.


Hi, This is GreenSeedGarden

Are you looking for quality, affordable and unique Plant seeds, Flower Seeds, Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Seeds, Cactus Seed and Garden Gadgets? Do you want an online retailer that values you as a customer and carries a wide range of products in stock and ready to ship? Shop the selection at GreenSeedGarden today and see what we have in store for you. GreenSeedGarden specializes in and offers a quality, affordable Plant seeds, Flower Seeds, Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Seeds, Cactus Seeds and Garden Gadgets that will make your garden look gorgeous and your life easy.


Customer Review Hightlight

Colby Cochran / Citronella Seeds

So far, so good. It looks like most have germinated. I’m excited to see if it helps with my horrible mosquito problem come summer time.

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Binod Thapa / Cucumber Seeds

Sewed 8 seeds, 8 seeds sprouted, 8 plants thriving!! I’ve already made my first batch of pickles and these make insanely good pickles! Today harvested another 29. Best cucumber seeds we’ve ever planted! They’re also really yummy raw.

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T Baker / Clover Seeds

14 days after throwing the clover seed down, it’s doing great (see pic). We kept the area well watered, and the clover is coming up green and dense. Now, it looks awesome! We’re quite happy with it.For the record, we live in Atlanta, GA and seeded near the beginning of May when the weather was consistently warm.

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Toni Quinn / Mixed Wildflower Seeds

Although I don’t have any flowers yet but I have to say I am impressed! I recently bought my first home, and there was a little garden in the yard. I always dream of having a wildflower garden! I bought garden soil and threw the seeds on top and slightly loosened the soil. They grow very fast it is probably at 1ft now! I will definitely be purchasing these again next year!

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Elaine Magdinec / Cactus Seeds

I saw some of the seeds the day I received them. few germinated after 3 days, some started germinating after 15 days! No heating pad, no growing light or anything! I just covered and mist them every other day!

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